Keyword - Remote Consultation

Keyword History


1 publications with this keyword

Integrating acute stroke telemedicine consultations into specialists' usual practice: a qualitative analysis comparing the experience of Australia and the United Kingdom.
Bagot, Kathleen L; Cadilhac, Dominique A; Bladin, Christopher F; Watkins, Caroline L; Vu, Michelle; Donnan, Geoffrey A; Dewey, Helen M; Emsley, Hedley C A; Davies, D Paul; Day, Elaine; Ford, Gary A; Price, Christopher I; May, Carl R; McLoughlin, Alison S R; Gibson, Josephine M E; Lightbody, Catherine E
BMC Health Serv Res, Volume 17, Issue 1
PMID: 29157233 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2694-1 
Citations: 14 (Scopus)