Keyword - Deglutition Disorders

Keyword History


3 publications with this keyword

How common is dysphagia in older adults living at home and what are the potential risk factors?
Saez, Lucy Roebuck; Harrison, Joanna; Hill, James
Br J Community Nurs, Volume 28, Issue 1
PMID: 36592087 DOI: 10.12968/bjcn.2023.28.1.16 
Citations: 1 (Scopus)
Tags: MIDAS 
How is hydration assessed and managed in acute stroke? A qualitative study of healthcare staff's knowledge, attitudes and experiences.
Miller, Colette; Gibson, Josephine M E; Jones, Stephanie; Timoroska, Anne-Marie; Maley, Alex; Romagnoli, Elisa; Chesworth, Brigit M; Watkins, Caroline L
J Clin Nurs, Volume 32, Issue 7-8
PMID: 35437838 DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16332 
Citations: 3 (Scopus)
Screening for aspiration risk associated with dysphagia in acute stroke.
Boaden, Elizabeth; Burnell, Jane; Hives, Lucy; Dey, Paola; Clegg, Andrew; Lyons, Mary W; Lightbody, C Elizabeth; Hurley, Margaret A; Roddam, Hazel; McInnes, Elizabeth; Alexandrov, Anne; Watkins, Caroline L
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Volume 10, Issue 10
PMID: 34661279 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012679.pub2 
Citations: 4 (Scopus)