Keyword - Socio-economic status

Keyword History


4 publications with this keyword

Do people living in disadvantaged circumstances receive different mental health treatments than those from less disadvantaged backgrounds?
Giebel, Clarissa; Corcoran, Rhiannon; Goodall, Mark; Campbell, Niall; Gabbay, Mark; Daras, Konstantinos; Barr, Ben; Wilson, Tim; Kullu, Cecil
BMC Public Health, Volume 20, Issue 1
PMID: 32393305 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08820-4 
Citations: 17 (Scopus)
Socio-economic predictors of time to care home admission in people living with dementia in Wales: A routine data linkage study.
Giebel, Clarissa; Hollinghurst, Joe; Akbari, Ashley; Schnier, Christian; Wilkinson, Tim; North, Laura; Gabbay, Mark; Rodgers, Sarah
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, Volume 36, Issue 4
PMID: 33045103 DOI: 10.1002/gps.5446 
Citations: 6 (Scopus)
Ethnic disparities in the uptake of anti-dementia medication in young and late-onset dementia.
Giebel, Clarissa; Cations, Monica; Draper, Brian; Komuravelli, Aravind
Int Psychogeriatr, Volume 35, Issue 7
PMID: 32484120 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610220000794 
Citations: 15 (Scopus)
Socio-economic differences in patient participation behaviours in doctor-patient interactions-A systematic mapping review of the literature.
Allen, Sarah; Rogers, Simon N; Harris, Rebecca V
Health Expect, Volume 22, Issue 5
PMID: 31398772 DOI: 10.1111/hex.12956 
Citations: 8 (Scopus)