Keyword - Proportional Hazards Models

Keyword History


3 publications with this keyword

Risk of a seizure recurrence after a breakthrough seizure and the implications for driving: further analysis of the standard versus new antiepileptic drugs (SANAD) randomised controlled trial.
Bonnett, L J; Powell, G A; Tudur Smith, C; Marson, A G
BMJ Open, Volume 7, Issue 7
PMID: 28698335 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-015868 
Citations: 11 (Scopus)
Do home modifications reduce care home admissions for older people? A matched control evaluation of the Care & Repair Cymru service in Wales.
Hollinghurst, Joe; Fry, Richard; Akbari, Ashley; Watkins, Alan; Williams, Neil; Hillcoat-Nallétamby, Sarah; Lyons, Ronan A; Clegg, Andrew; Rodgers, Sarah E
Age Ageing, Volume 49, Issue 6
PMID: 32946551 DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afaa158 
Citations: 5 (Scopus)
Oxcarbazepine versus phenytoin monotherapy for epilepsy: an individual participant data review.
Nevitt, Sarah J; Tudur Smith, Catrin; Marson, Anthony G
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Volume 10, Issue 10
PMID: 30350354 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003615.pub4 
Citations: 6 (Scopus)